A Key Ingredient for a Happy Family


My family and I just got back from our epic summer road trip. We covered over 2000 miles and four states. If you want to test the strength of your family relationships just spend 37 hours in the car together. Ha!

I have a quick encouragement for you today.

Don't forget to be intentional about creating happy family memories.

Sometimes the best moments in life are entirely spontaneous. I love those ones!

However, you and I can choose to create opportunities for connection and positive memories with our families.

One of our family traditions is going out for high tea when we are on vacation. I'm not too manly for frilly tea pots and tiny sandwiches! Plus all my girls love it.

We went to Lovejoy's Tea Room in Florence, Oregon and it was fantastic.

Great family memories can come from big events or small daily interactions.

I know that when my kids look back on these years I want them to have more positive memories than negative ones. Much of that is up to me and the choices I make today.

What can you do this week to create some memorable moments?

It could be as simple as cooking his favorite dinner, telling a slightly inappropriate joke or sitting down to play video games.

Or maybe it's time to plan something fun for the family. Going to a baseball game, setting up a family game night or going out for donuts.

I'll leave you with this quote . . .

"A good life is a collection of happy memories."

Uriah Guilford, LMFT

Uriah is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and the owner of InTune Family Counseling. He is a husband, father to two teenage girls and a pretty rad drummer.


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