Individual Counseling in Santa Rosa
At InTune Family Counseling, we want to help you figure out what is important to you. Many adults come to us for help with relationship issues, work challenges, frequent worry or overwhelming stress.
Some people are dealing with a recent life transition, concerns around depression, drug or alcohol use, job changes, loss of a loved one or even help healing from a childhood trauma.
We offer counseling for adults with wide variety of concerns.
InTune Family Counseling is here to help.
We offer you a place to make sense of your feelings, your choices and your relationships. To provide new perspectives and develop new ways to cope with life.
While our goal is to help you, we approach adult counseling with a sense of collaboration. While we bring the experience and training, you bring your expertise about your life and your experiences.
It might be the right time to start counseling if you relate to any of the following.
Has it been awhile since you:
Felt like yourself?
Slept well?
Enjoyed your time with friends or family?
Took time out to do something for yourself?
Do you:
Feel dissatisified and unhappy with your relationships?
Feel irritable, sad, or angry often?
Find it difficult to complete tasks, meet goals, or focus on your work?
Feel overwhelmed or stuck?
Struggle with communicating without "over reacting"?
Want to improve how you cope with stress?
Worry too much?
Maybe you have been thinking about trying counseling.
Or, maybe someone has suggested that you should “get help” or “go talk to someone.”
That can be difficult to hear, but deep inside you know it is time to reach out and get support.
If you are reading this you are one step closer to the change you are seeking!
How can counseling help?
I’m glad you asked!
First, let’s agree on something. You are not broken. You are not crazy. Life happens and it can be hard.
We don’t always have control over the situations in our lives. Counseling is private and confidential. We tailor our approach to your needs and meet you where you are.
If you have not been feeling like yourself lately, now may be the best time for you to connect with a professional.
Working with a trained counselor is a chance to:
Develop a better understanding of yourself
Build more tools for dealing with life
Get support in reaching your personal goals
Improve your relationships