Top 10 Reasons to Adopt a Teen


Usually, when I think of adoption, I think of infants and school-age children finding homes.

However, there are many teenagers who need positive and supportive foster and adoptive families.

In my practice, I work with children and teens in the foster care system as well as adoptive families.

There are, of course, many challenges and many joys.

I found this list on a poster in a local adoption agency. I thought it was great and worth sharing with you.

Top 10 Reasons to Adopt a Teen

  1. No formula, diapers, bottles or burp rags required

  2. They sleep through the night

  3. They will be ready to move out sooner

  4. They can program your smartphone

  5. They will keep you up to date with the latest fashion trends

  6. They can drive you places when they get their permit

  7. You don't just get a child, you get a friend

  8. They can pick up after themselves and do their own laundry

  9. They will teach you how to be more patient, understanding and empathic

  10. They need someone to share life dreams, achievements and holidays with

Uriah Guilford, LMFT

Uriah is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and the owner of InTune Family Counseling. He is a husband, father to two teenage girls and a pretty rad drummer.


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