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Teens, Marijuana & The Emerald Triangle
I live and work in Northern California, home of the Emerald Triangle. If you have never heard of it, the name refers to three counties that together make up the largest cannabis producing region in the United States. As you know, I also work with teenagers and young adults. Needless to say, I spend a lot of time talking about marijuana and working with people who are using it either recreationally or habitually.
Sex, Drugs & Rock n' Roll - Questions To Ask Your Teenager
In some ways the issues are the same, but the cultural landscape has changed. Parents have always been worried about the influence of sex, drugs and rock n' roll. Here are some important questions to ask your teenager, keeping in mind his relationship with technology and the internet.
Why Teenage Boys Love Marijuana
Earlier this year I wrote a blog post called 5 Things To Do When You Find Out Your Son Is Smoking Pot. Teenage boys love marijuana. And, most parents are not happy about it at all. This may not come as a surprise to you. I know I did not have to look up any research studies to reach this conclusion. It is concerning on many levels, but have you ever stopped to consider why pot is so attractive to teens?
Teens & Substance Abuse Interview
I had the opportunity recently to interview Dr. Robert Benavides Jr., a clinical psychologist with a private practice in Santa Rosa, about his many years of experience counseling teenagers with substance abuse issues. Below are…