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Angry Bird Teens & Their Piggy Parents
If you live with a surly, moody teenager then I wrote this post for you! I want to give you a bit of a laugh (hopefully) and also give you some ideas on how to handle your bad tempered and unfriendly teenager. I am comparing the video game Angry Birds to the relationship between angry teens and their parents.
Sex, Drugs & Rock n' Roll - Questions To Ask Your Teenager
In some ways the issues are the same, but the cultural landscape has changed. Parents have always been worried about the influence of sex, drugs and rock n' roll. Here are some important questions to ask your teenager, keeping in mind his relationship with technology and the internet.
4 Ways to Become a More Accepting Parent
I want my parenting style to be firm, but loving. I want to be cool and calm, but also involved and attentive. Finding the right balance is never easy. Here are 4 practical ways for you to develop a more accepting approach.
5 Compelling Reasons To Not Be A Drone Parent
Did you know that you might be a drone parent? It is the modern version of what we all know as a helicopter parent. I will tell you that there are some unexpected and unpleasant results from this well-intentioned parenting style. Here are 5 reasons that you want to avoid becoming a drone parent.
The Creative Parent: 5 Slightly Risky Ideas to Shake Things Up
Have you ever thought about using creativity to improve your relationship with your teenager? Sometimes, as parents, we need to throw away the rule book, trust our instincts and just parent from the heart.
Lessons to Survive Parenting a Teenager With ADHD
Are you parenting a teenager with ADHD? If so, I want to share with you three profound lessons that can help your family.
5 Mistakes to Avoid With Your Teenager & Video Games
Have you ever been frustrated with your son playing too many video games? Does it lead to fights and power struggles? If so, I want you to know that you are not alone. Here are a few strategies to avoid.
Are You Using Ineffective Consequences With Your Teen?
There is no doubt that raising teenagers can push all your buttons and even drive you crazy. It is guaranteed that they will break rules, throw all kinds of attitude around and just be a pain in the butt sometimes. In this post I am going to talk about the most effective ways to use consequences with your teenager. I also talk about a common trap that you should avoid.
Are You a Manager or a Consultant?
When it comes to parenting your teenager, are you more of a manager or a consultant? This particular issue has been coming up often in my counseling office lately, so I thought I would share a few thoughts with you on the topic.
3 Quick Steps To Defuse Your Teenage Son’s Anger
The next time your son is grumpy, on edge and close to exploding may be just around the corner. His body and mind are swirling with confusing emotions and powerful hormones. He truly does not know how to manage his anger yet. Here are some quick steps that you can use to defuse his anger.