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What I Learned About Parenting From Steve Jobs
This post is not going to be what you think. I recently finished the biography on Steve Jobs. It was a fascinating 656 pages that I had a hard time putting down. Yes, Steve Jobs was obsessed with his work and often neglected his role as a father to his children. However, here are a couple of things that I learned from his story.
5 Tips to Stay Connected to Your Teen
It can be tough to create and maintain a strong connection to the teens or tweens in your life. Whether you are a parent, teacher, relative or close adult friend to a teenager, I hope you find this post helpful and thought-provoking.
9 Creative Questions To Ask Your Teen After School Today
I have a wonderfully practical tip for you that you can use today. School is now officially in full swing. Your teenager may be loving life or just barely surviving. Either way, this may be a daily challenge for you. Yes, I am talking about the after school conversation. You haven't seen each other all day and you may be the first one to make contact.
9 Tips To Keep Your Cool When Things Get Hot
Do you ever feel like your teenager is so irritating that you might just lose your mind? Maybe you are barely maintaining control. You are so close to saying or doing something that you will likely regret. Sometimes you successfully calm yourself down, but other times you totally lose it. In this post I am talking about what to do when you get really, really mad at your son. You might think of it as kind of an anger management to-do list for parents.
Launching Your Teen : 6 Tips for Parents
As parents, we naturally want what is best for our children. While wearing our hearts on our sleeve, we try to do our best. Worry, stress, and confusion likely began in early parenthood - maybe even before you laid eyes on your child. Anxiety around the launching phase is quite natural.
How to Survive the Teen Years
Adolescence is a super challenging time for teens and parents alike. No one is immune to the stress and heartache that is a part of your job description. I have a simple and encouraging message for you. We all need that sometimes right?
Your Questions Answered: Teens and Social Media
These are the questions that I received and answered in January's teleseminar on Social Media and Your Teenager. Let me know if you have any questions that you would like answers to. I want to support you in being the best parent that you can be for your teenager.
10 Tips To Help Your Teenage Son Find Motivation
So what motivates teens? Ultimately, teens want to grow up and they want to feel empowered. If you can find out what motivates your teenage son, you can be successful in supporting him through these important transitions. Here are some possible ways to motivate your son.
Do You Wonder Why Your Son Shuts Down Emotionally?
Does it ever seem like your son has a huge "do not enter" sign on his life? Does he block you out when you know he needs you the most? As a child and teen counselor, I have a few ideas about why your son might shut down on you.
What To Do When Your Son Calls You Names
Having an angry son who is verbally abusive is an unfortunate and painful reality in family life. Teens can have volatile moods and they don't have the skills to manage their emotions. What do you do if your son calls you names? Maybe horrible names. Here are a few of my ideas for you to consider.